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日期:02-23  236人关注




1. There is a______in my neighborhood and I often go there to see tigers.

A. zoo B. bank C. school

2. Look! An old man is lying on the road. His leg is badly hurt. Lets call_____.

A. 118 B. 119 C. 120

3. Do you know when the Belt and Road International Day is?

Yes, it is____December 16th.

A. at B. on C. iri

4. When l was on my way home, it suddenly started to rain_____.

A. heavily B.quickly C.hardly

5. My hometown is the place______holds all my sweet memories.

A. who B. which C. what

6. Grace often gets nervous before she gives a speech .


A. in pubic B. in total C. in common

7. Xiao Ming, youllbe late for school______you hurry up.

A. after B. though C. unless

8. We should not trees in order to make our environment more beautiful.

A. write down B. cut down C. turn down

9. Cindy, how far is it from your home to school? about 20 walk.

A. minutes B. minutes C. minutes

10. We all know that one ofthe worlds most popular sports football.

A. am B. is C. are

11. Huangguoshu Waterfall is beautiful that I want to come here again next year.

A. so B. too C. such

12. Ive never been to Disneyland, Judy.

A. So have I. B. Neither am I. C. Neither have I.

13. Annie decides to work harder and get better grades next year.

A.many B.much C.very

14. Its best not to run away from our problems. We should always try to them.

A. solve B. takeC. get

15. The Chinese government has made______possible for people to live happy lives.

A. that B. this C.it

二、情景交际(本大题共1 0分,每小题1分)

A. 从右栏选项中找出左栏各旬的最佳应答,并将答题卡上该选项涂黑。

16. How do you learn English? A. Lets go.

17. What does your friend look like? B. Sure, Mom.

18.I am flying to Sanya to take a holiday. C.I agree with you.

19.I think the air will be cleaner in the future. D. Have a nice trip!

20. Bob, could you please take out the rubbish? E.By reading aloud.

F. Shes of medium height.

B. 补全对话根据对话内容,选择方框内最佳选项完成对话,并将答题卡上该选项涂黑。

A: Dad, how much do you know about China?

B: 21 China is a big country that has about 5,000 years of history. It attracts

many tourists from all over the world every year.

A: Is that so? 52

B: Yes. And many of them are famous, such as Mount Tai, Mount Huang and Mount Emei.

A: 53

B: There are many rivers in China. Among them the Yangtze River is the longest one and the

second longest one is the Yellow River. 54

A: Anything else?

B: Sorry. Thats alll know. If you want to learn more, you can read Guide to China. 55

A: Thanks. Ill read it.

A. Just a little

B. What about rivers?

C. I dont know it at all.

D. Are there any beautiful mountains?

E. Theyre the birthplaces of Chinese culture.

F. Its a book which introduces China in detail.





When Im in trouble,I always take out a book and read quietly.I put my heart into it so that

I can forget all the 56 things. I have developed a habit ofreading in this way.

When I was a little boy, I was interested in comic books and storybooks. When I grew older and went to a middle school,I began to read novels, plays, essays and so on.I found I could get 57 from them. Little by little,I took a great interest in literature and last term I 58 the first prize in the composition contest among high school students in our city.

Reading The Emperor i New Clotk,es makes me 59 a lot because of the emperors silly and funny behavior. The Little Match G/d makes me feel 60 because she lives a hard life.Robison Crusoe takes me into a strange world full of danger. My favorite book is The Story of

My Life because Im deeply. 61 by Helen Kellers spirit of being strong and never giving up. Besides these, books also tell me other things-how to be a brave man and how to tell the difFerence between right and wrong.In a word, good books can le

t me know 62 I didnt know before. So I think good books are iust like mv best friends.

26. A. unhappy B. wonderful C. interesting

27.A. any B. much C. many

28. A. lost B. did C. won

29.A.believe B.laugh C.cry

30.A.sad B.sleepy C.tired

31.A.expected B.moved C.loved

32. A. that B. which C. what


Mario Green and Mary Brown are from Hope High School. These two students volunteer

their time to help 63 people. This volunteer work takes them several hours a week.

Mario loves 64 and wants to be an animal doctor. He volunteers at an animal hospital every Saturday morning, Mario believes it can help him to 65 his future dream job. Its hard work, he says, but I want to learn more about how to 66 animals. I get such a strong feeling of satisfaction when I see the animals get better and the look ofjoy on their owners37 .Mary is good with old people. Last year, she worked as a volunteer in an old peoples home. She helped out with things like 68 the newspaper to the old people, or just talking to them. They told 69 stories about the past and how things used to be. She still works there once a week to help the old people there. A lot of old people are lonely. We should listen to them and care for them. Were all going to be 70 one day, too.

Volunteering is a dream come true for both Mario and Mary. They can do what they love to do and help others at the same time.

33. A. other B. others C. another

34. A. subjects B. sports C. animals

35.A.buy B.get C.lose

36. A. look after B. look for C. look at

37. A. heads B. faces C. noses

38. A. seeing B. watching C. reading

39.A.her B. him C.it




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